I. How to stake SOTA BEP20 on NFTPAD?
II. How to stake SOTA-BNB_LP on NFTPAD?
III. How to stake SOTA HRC20 on NFTPAD?
IV. How to exchange WBNB to get BNB
Note: This manual is only applicable for on-going pools. If the pools are closed then users cannot stake to earn rewards. Follow our social medias to get updated of new pools.
I. How to stake SOTA BEP20 on NFTPAD?
You can buy SOTA BEP20 directly from SOTA-BNB Pancakeswap pool or BitMart exchange. Following this instruction on how to buy SOTA: https://medium.com/@sota01/sota-beginners-guide-how-do-i-exchange-sota-token-b4841c88fb98
In case you have SOTA ERC20 or SOTA HRC20, please refer to step 1 to swap to SOTA BEP20.
Step 1: Swap to get SOTA BEP20 using SOTA Bridge
Refer to the following manual to swap SOTA tokens between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain networks: https://bit.ly/34xI87x
SOTA BEP20 token contract address: 0x0742b62efb5f2eabbc14567dfc0860ce0565bcf4
Step 2: Stake SOTA BEP20 from your MetaMask wallet to NFTPAD pools and earn rewards
- Select BsC network at the top right corner of the NFTPAD.
2. Select BsC network on your MetaMask wallet, then connect your wallet. Make sure you have BNB to pay for gas fees.
3. Select an “Ongoing” farming pool that offers to stake SOTA BEP20 to earn rewards. For example, the pool “Stake SOTA earn AQT” is below.
4. In the selected pool click on “Stake”, then input your staking SOTA amount and confirm.
5. Your rewards accumulated every second. When you want to claim your rewards, just click on “Claim” to get all rewards to your wallet.
6. Click “Unstake” to remove from staking and get the SOTA tokens back to your wallet.
II. How to stake SOTA-BNB_LP on NFTPAD?
You can buy SOTA BEP20 directly from SOTA-BNB Pancakeswap pool or BitMart exchange. Following this instruction on how to buy SOTA:https://medium.com/@sota01/sota-beginners-guide-how-do-i-exchange-sota-token-b4841c88fb98
In case you have SOTA ERC20 or SOTA HRC20, please refer to step 1 to swap to SOTA BEP20.
Step 1: Swap to get SOTA BEP20 using SOTA Bridge
Refer to the following manual to swap SOTA tokens between Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain networks: https://bit.ly/34xI87x
SOTA BEP20 token contract address: 0x0742b62efb5f2eabbc14567dfc0860ce0565bcf4
Step 2: Provide liquidity to BNB-SOTA pool on Pancakeswap to get Cake-LP tokens
1. Make sure you have SOTA BEP20 and an equivalent amount of BNB BEP20 in your wallet.
2. Go to Pancakeswap SOTA-BNB pool’s “Add Liquidity” page.
https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/add/BNB/0x0742b62eFB5f2eaBBc14567dfC08 60CE0565bCf4
In case SOTA token does not show up, you can add SOTA manually using the contract address: 0x0742b62efb5f2eabbc14567dfc0860ce0565bcf4.
3. Add an amount of BNB on the “Add Liquidity” section. The equivalent amount of SOTA will be automatically calculated.
Step 3: Stake SOTA-BNB_LP tokens (“Cake-LP” token) from your MetaMask wallet to NFTPAD pools and earn rewards
1. Select BsC network at the top right corner of the NFTPAD.
2. Select BsC network on your MetaMask wallet, then connect your wallet.
3. Select an “Ongoing” farming pool that offers to take Pancake SOTA-BNB LP tokens to earn rewards. For example, the pool “Stake Pancake: SOTA-BNB earn AQT” is below.
4. In the selected farming pool click on “Stake”, then input your staking SOTA-BNB_LP amount and confirm.
5. Your rewards accumulated every second. When you want to claim your rewards, just click on “Claim” to get all rewards to your wallet.
6. Click “Unstake” to remove tokens from staking and get the SOTA-BNB_LP back to your wallet.
Step 4: Go to Pancakeswap and use the SOTA-BNB_LP tokens to claim back your SOTA and BNB tokens.
1. Go to Pancakeswap’s Liquidity section again. Make sure to connect your wallet, then your liquidity pool is shown as below.
Link: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/pool
2. Click on SOTA/BNB pool on the above screen to see details of the pool.
3. Click “Remove”, then input the removal amount. Click “Approve” and go through a few confirmation steps to remove your liquidity and get back SOTA and BNB tokens.
4. Once the removal transaction is done, the SOTA-BNB_LP tokens (“Cake-LP”) will be removed from your wallet, while the corresponding amount of BNB and SOTA tokens will be sent back to your wallet.
Note that your claimed BNB and SOTA tokens may be different from the original amount due to the pool’s market-making activities.
III. How to stake SOTA HRC20 on NFTPAD?
Step 1: Swap to get SOTA HRC20 using SOTA Bridge
Refer to the following manual to swap SOTA tokens between Ethereum and HECO chain networks: https://bit.ly/34xI87x
SOTA HRC20 token contract address: 0xdc8373758c8409ecbd995a75a72e461be902c4b0
Step 2: Stake SOTA HRC20 from your MetaMask wallet to NFTPAD pools and earn rewards
1. Select the HECO network at the top right corner of the NFTPAD.
2. Select the HECO network on your MetaMask wallet, then connect your wallet. Make sure you have HT tokens to pay for gas fees (you can buy HT from exchanges such as Uniswap, Houbi, Kucoin…)
3. Select an “Ongoing” farming pool that offers to stake SOTA HRC20 to earn rewards. For example, the pool below “Stake SOTA earn SOTA”.
4. Click on “Stake”, then input your staking SOTA HRC20 amount and confirm.
5. Your rewards accumulated every second. When you want to claim your rewards, just click on “Claim” to get all rewards to your wallet.
6. Click “Unstake” to remove from staking and get the SOTA tokens back to your wallet.
IV. How to exchange WBNB to get BNB
WBNB is the “wrapped” version of BNB — the native currency of Binance Smart Chain. Due to the difference in technical standards, BNB cannot be traded with other tokens so some of our farming pools give out WBNB as pool token rewards instead.
You can unwrap WBNB in your wallet to get BNB on a 1:1 ratio using the exchange function on exchange platforms such as https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap (choose from WBNB to BNB) or unwrap directly on your Metamask wallet following this guide from Binance https://www.binance.org/en/blog/what-is-wbnb/.
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